Das Eventsourcing Buch

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"Stop guessing the past with Eventsourcing. Stop guessing the Future with Eventmodeling.."
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    • Notes
    • Why you should care
    • Eventsourcing - what is it? And more importantly, what is it...
    • Planning Systems using Eventmodeling
    • CQRS, Concurrency, Consistency and eventual Consistency
    • Internal / External Data
    • The Anatomy of an eventsourced Application
    • Event Streaming, Eventsourcing and Stream Design
    • How about DDD?

    Modelling the System

    • Brainstorming
    • Modeling Use Cases with Wireframes
    • “Given/When/Then” Scenarios
    • Use Case: Clear Cart
    • Use Case: Submit Cart
    • Use Case: Inventory Changed
    • Use Case: Price Changed

    From Zero to Running Software

    • Brief introduction to Axon
    • Project Setup
    • The first Slice - State Change, State View
    • Implementing State Views Slices using Projections
    • Vertical Slicing
    • Implementing Automations
    • Example Integration with Apache Kafka and Translations
    • Breaking Change is inevitable
    • Putting the pieces together

    Implementation Patterns

    • Projected Read Model
    • Live Model
    • The Sync / Async UI Problem
    • Set Based Validations
    • The “TODO List” Pattern and why I don’t use Sagas
    • Closing the Books
    • The Reservation Pattern


    • Tech Stack & Documentation
    • Brief introduction to Axon
    • Eventstores
    • Axon Server
    • EventstoreDB